June 16th is Father’s Day, a great reason to spend a little quality time with the family doing a few of Dad’s favorite things. Whatever your[...]
CBD Reports 100,000 Photo and License Plate Breach The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported today that nearly 100,000 travelers’ phot[...]
Protecting your business requires more time, effort and energy from your technology team than ever before. Business systems are increasingly complex,[...]
Familiarity with marketing technologies is a must for today’s CMO. However, the range of tech knowledge across CMOs varies widely. Even if every CM[...]
More than ever, today’s CFOs are expected to have a degree of tech savviness. Big data and analytics are tools that are just too powerful to ignore[...]
Evaluating information technology can be a challenging aspect of the CFO role. Your organization is likely inundated with requests for new IT feature[...]
Opportunities to spend on tech are endless these days. But your budget isn’t endless. Your company needs to invest in technology, but you need to d[...]
It’s always been important for the C-suite to understand the cost benefits and value associated with technology projects, but today’s complex inf[...]
If your organization is large enough to have a CFO, it surely has some kind of backup and business continuity plan in place. Do you understand how thi[...]
CFOs & Technology The CFO role continues to evolve. CFOs used to be considered fairly powerless scorekeepers or merely chief bean counters, but today[...]