The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation issued a critical alert Dec. 3, warning users about SamSam ransomware and [...]
In late 2018, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a stark warning about a massive data breach at a Marriott chain that exposed the records of 50[...]
SamSam Ransomware is becoming a massive problem for multiple industries across the United States. In fact, the problem is so big that The Department o[...]
Small and mid-sized companies have a tendency to operate under the assumption that hackers target only more extensive operations. There’s a simple l[...]
Heads up if you’ve stayed or made reservations at a Marriott or Starwood property over the last decade. A major security issue was just announced an[...]
Businesses of all types and sizes today must navigate a complex matrix of vendors and partners. In many cases, there is frequent sharing of data, incl[...]
Data breaches never fail to stay at the top of news headlines, and these are news headlines that should be highly regarded if you are a business owner[...]
How do you usually shop when you need something like a gift for a friend, a new pair of shoes, or a bike for your son or daughter? Today more than eve[...]
Look around you. Your desk lamp, your headphones, that smartphone in your hands — everything you own and use daily was created in the mind of an ent[...]